Its now July and after much deliberation, I’ve decided Southeast Asia is going to be my next travel adventure location. Primarily, I’ll be concentrating on Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia this time around. Why? I love Central America (and will likely be there next year), but this time I want to see something completely new. I’ll be focused on getting more fine art landscape, especially at night, and scouting possibilities for future workshops. When? Well that’s a good question and I’m so glad you asked because that’s where YOU come in.

I’m looking at a 3-month excursion doing one big loop that’ll have me tromping through the length of each country starting in Hanoi and playing around Northern Vietnam. I’ll then travel to Laos and fiddle-faddle in the northern region before making my way south and into Cambodia. I haven’t made specifics with Cambodia as much, but from there, I’ll likely make my way to Southern Vietnam and back up to Hanoi again. Could be 4 months…I don’t know. Flights are so much less during the fall.

However, with this undertaking, funding is paramount and I want your help. Over the next three months into September, I want to be working my ass off to cover my trip expenses for an October start date. So the more I get help from you guys, the faster I get gone and the faster you get to see all my interesting and highly intriguing pics of the glorious Southeast Asia region. I want a huge focus on the Mekong Delta!

You want to help? Okay:

1. Keep me in mind when you need your next photography service. This is what I do, after all. No, I’m not cheap, but I’m damn good and right now is the best time to catch me while I’m willing to negotiate a bit more given this high volume of service traffic you guys will be bestowing upon me. You already know I like to travel, so if you’re out of state, I certainly welcome that. I love seeing new places! And don’t act like you hadn’t seen my portraiture work, especially with the beard series. You know you love it. Its time for you to get some new pics. Mine are made for the wall in your home and not just the wall on your FB page.

2. Keep me in mind when you hear of someone needing photography services. I do a 10% kickback on contracts for gigs that you recommend to me under $2000. Recommend a gig that results in $1000 service, you get $100 back from me immediately upon receipt of payment. I’ll do 15% for any contracts $2000 and over. Do the math. That’s $300 and up. So as long as the contract books and payment is made…you get paid.

3. You’ve seen my fine art work. (I hope you’ve been paying attention to more than just my art nude work.) Well, here’s your chance to own some and virtually everything is for sale. Check out my website at (or even this blog) and see what you like. Yes, I still hold some pieces off the market for the time being, but if you have something you’re interested in, let me know. I print big. The smallest would be a 16×20 or something at least 300sq inches.

4. Photo Classes – I do One-on-One week-long photography classes that are intense and in-depth. I cover information on your specific camera before getting into the fine nuances of photography. My classes are customized to you and your needs. Nobody really gets the same class because each of you are so different with different needs and learning styles. I don’t teach one generic class that everybody gets in cookie-cutter format. Nope. You tell me what you need and I tailor it specific to you for 5 days with a minimum of 4 hours and we do a whole lot of shooting, both in studio and on-location…daytime and night…covering speedlights and studio lights, and so much more.

So email me for more information at my Gmail account, using PhotoAnthems in front of the @ symbol. You’ll be helping me get started sooner on my journey.