“Fifteen Kristis” Art Model KristiC © 2015 Terrell Neasley |
“Traveling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.” – Ibn Battuta
So yeah, I’m gonna have to post-pone Southeast Asia for just a bit longer. I had to come to terms with the fact that I’m not done yet with Latin America. That’s just a point of fact. I’ve got a couple of choices. I mainly want to focus on Colombia and start in the old port city of Cartagena. And then do extensive traveling down the western coastline, maybe hit Bolivia. But the more I think about it, I believe I want to start where I left off this past summer and begin in Costa Rica. If you recall, I ended my trip after 3 months in Nicaragua. I missed getting to Costa Rica, although I’ve been to Panama already a few times. So then I’d continue through Panama and sail on to Cartagena. I have much to work out still, mainly with the itinerary and goals, bringing a model, and of course financing. I wanna fly out before March.
Art Model, Safia Sarai, ©2015 Terrell Neasley |
I think two months might just suffice this time instead of staying 4 to 6 months as I originally anticipated doing. But the fact of the matter is that I would really like to make Iceland a priority next fall, which means I need to bring my butt back and make some more money before then. So many dreams. So many goals and shots to achieve. But I want to get it done, regardless. Make enough money and I can do it all. Who knows? I might even get sponsored or sell a lot of fine art work, allowing me to spend 6 months in South America and STILL do Iceland that fall. So I don’t set anything in stone. You never know what’s going to happen.
Art Model, Justine © 2015 Terrell Neasley |
The holidays are just about over. Its been a while since I’ve last blogged. Totally missed November and almost missed December. I’ve rarely ever missed a month of blogging and have never gone two months without a post. Just been tied up is all. That’s it. And now, I’m posting again. Catching up, I’ve gotten to do several shoots with Safia Sarai, KristiC, and I also got Justine again. But its the professional end of things that have had me tied up for so long as I’ve been working a photo project that has simply taken a while to complete. And every so often I take a break from the pro shooting. Its funny that I take a break from shooting with MORE shooting. I just traded one subject for another, shooting nudes in various hotels with Safia Sarai, outdoors in the wilderness with KristiC, as well as studio work with Justine and KristiC.
Art Model, Safia Sarai, ©2015 Terrell Neasley |
“A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions.” –
Oliver Wendell Holmes
I’m even more invested in Sony now as I have added the 90mm F2.8 Macro Lens as well as the popular 42MP A7rII camera body. I’m definitely all in on Sony. Its the best decision I’ve made in photography where gear is concerned. I want to try out their latest 35mm f/1.4, but I really don’t need it. It would be good for environmental portraiture, but I can do well enough with the 16-35mm f/4 if I want the wide perspective. I’m satisfied with it. I now use it like I would the 24-70 when I shot with DSLRs. With the A7rII, I now have back the high dynamic range as well as the high resolution kit I was so used to shooting with my Nikon D800e that I used for about 4 years. But as a bonus, I can jack the ISO up when I need to much better than I could with my Nikon gear. You had to trade off high ISO with the higher megapixels with Nikon and most definitely with the Canon 50MP systems where you actually lost dynamic range. Sony is still the top option out there right now. I don’t care what you are doing. It fits.
Art Model, Justine © 2015 Terrell Neasley |
I hope you’ve all had a very productive year. 2015 is just about at a close. The holidays and festivities are close to ending and then its back to work. The year went by so fast. All we had was 12 months. But that’s all we’ll have this upcoming year as well. If you’re like most people, this is that time of year where you contemplate on next year’s resolutions. But if you’re really like most people, those resolutions will be forgotten by January’s end. So try to focus on things that really make a difference. Get better. Get smarter, so you have more resources throughout the year. Start every month thinking about how you can make another $30 grand (or whatever) on top of last year’s income. Don’t let the sun go down knowing you wasted the day. Be a better shooter. Study more. Learn more. I teach one on one classes. Schedule a week or two with me. If you see a way I can be better, then hell… let me know. See an opportunity that you think I might be suited for? I’ll definitely be willing to listen. I may or may not take you up on the idea if I find it doesn’t suit my direction at this time. But damn, I’d appreciate the opportunity to consider it. I need to get into Cuba still. I need contacts in South America and opportunities to earn while down there. I’ll definitely listen to opportunities or gigs in other countries. I’m all about that. Let’s work together. Come on! Lets do this!
Art Model KristiC © 2015 Terrell Neasley |