Guess what, Eolake Stobblehouse of just featured my letter of the week on his site. I wrote it a few weeks ago about my first experience with open nudity. Its called “A Soldier’s Story” and it details my moment of understanding, an epiphany if you will, of the difference between sex and nudity. I think its a good story and you should check it out.

A whole lot of people must genuinely like the model posted with this entry (and the last two). She now has 8 of the top 12 images on my website! She’s a very special person whom I am glad to have became friends with. I had known her more than a year before we finally did this shoot together just before I came to Las Vegas. As a matter of fact, it was requested today that I submit a photo shoot of her to which is a complement not to be taken lightly. Does anyone else feel the same about that?

I have to keep this entry short. I promise to get to the model questions tomorrow or the next day at the latest. Its getting late for me and I still have much more work before bed. So check out more of this beautiful girl on my website @