I came across some new links that I wanted you to know about dealing with modeling and photographing the nude. The first is a link I noticed from Art Nudes Blog which deals with one of the most prolific art nude models today, Kat Love. I have seen her all over the place. Maybe one day I will get an opportunity to work with her. She has a very well written website which gives information to both photog and model. Her FAQ is highly detailed and you should visit it at this link: Kat’s FAQ for Models. On this page there is another link for photogs as well.

Another interesting lady I came across is Tantra Bensko who wrote two articles of interest. The first is titled How to Be a Truly Great Artistic Model. She definitely has her own ideas about this but its worth a look. The other article she wrote was funny to me so I thought I’d share it. Its titled, Going Nude on Berkeley Campus to Save the Trees. Personally, I had to check it out because it deals with two of my favorite things to photograph…the nude and trees. I hope you will find it interesting too. I copied the links to the “printer friendly” versions of the articles.

This particular set is model, Laura, who posed for me a few months ago out in the hot Valley of Fire. She was a real trooper hiking over rocks and through canyon walls along trails that were scenic and historic. Her bronzen skin tone worked well with the red rock formations. She blended in with her surrounding but not so much that she was no longer distinct. This was a fun shoot. It was another early morning sunrise shoot. Actually, this was the first of my summer time Valley of Fire sessions.
One commentor on my website said that it looked like I put my models through some tough poses and arrangements. He lauded my efforts to make the model work within my artistic vision as opposed to just taking shots of a naked girl and for making the model secondary to the art. I indeed my ask alot of my models, but my artwork is more of a collaborative effort between my models and me. I am very eager to shoot with Laura again. We have a few things in the works already, so stay tuned.