Nothing real important to post right now. I just have this insatiable need to shoot somebody…with a camera, that is. I have just been working as a project manager for a short term project, but its taking a lot of time out of my day. I like it all except for the drive out there. I work with a great bunch of people who are dedicated to getting the job done. I have just not had time to set up a shoot. Now its the weekend and I don’t have one planned. I should be spending the time doing a paper for my final telecommunications class. I got my MBA last year and have this last class left for another masters of science in Telecom Sys Mgmt. Instead, I am spending the weekend at Mt Zion again to hike all 3 levels of the Emeral Pools. Insane, I know. My paper is due next Friday. Enjoy these shots of Natalie from my last shoot.