Whew…the Pro vs. Amateur debate sure drew some interest. I like that. Its good to exchange ideas. Univers d’Artistes has postings and relative commentary regarding the matter. My post just before this one was featured on this site as a different perspective to that of Marcus J Ranum. Iris Dassault, the professional model I am constantly harping about, also added some timely and poignant insight to the mix which was added at the conclusion of my addition. The saga continued the next day with a post from Gunther Vandenven and more commentary from Iris. Its definitely work the look, so check it out. The only element we missed was the voice of a true amateur model to provide that unique perspective. I might have to see if I can solicit some and then I will let the issue rest.

Another interesting point regards a few articles I came across that discuss figure modeling or life drawing models. I’d like to share some of them with you by way of the following links. The first one is most interesting to me, which is a New York Times article by Carol Kino written just this past week on the 2nd of October. I relate well to this particular article because I sincerely adore the photographer who spends much of his time photographing his wife. One of my initial inspirations was from a friend Malcolm Glass and his wife as I recall one image of his wife done in a spontaneous moment of unique opportunity for which they were able to take advantage of. This article is touching because, although it is referencing the exhibition of the late artist Harry Callahan, it is done from the perspective of his wife of 63 years, Eleanor, who is now 91 years old. The article is titled “The Artist’s Wife: A Constant Muse Who Never Said No“, again, by Carol Kino of the NY Times.

Other article of interest that may be appealing to you includes this one which I thought was funny. “My 11-year-old is drawing nudes? What do I do?” Its an advice column done by a reader who writes in to Dr. Gail Saltz for help with her son who is allowed to draw the female form by his artist dad. The mom is hoping Dr. Saltz will take her side on this. See who’s side she ends up supporting on this. I’d love to hear your comments as well. Do you agree with the Dr’s. advice? Now enjoy these recent abstracts.