I spoke on this just recently when I posted a link to the New York Times article “The Artist’s Wife”, but I just came across a new documentary that was released earlier this year. One of the most prolific photographers I have come to admire has been Edward Weston. I was even honored one semester by my photography instructor in college when he commented on my latest series of work as being too “Edward Weston-esque“. He didn’t mean it to be a complement at the time, but I couldn’t help but to take it that way. Anyway, I digress….

The newly released documentary “
Eloquent Nude: The Love and Legacy of Edward Weston & Charis Wilson” is an independent film directed by Ian
McCluskey that features actual narration by Edward Weston’s former wife and muse Charis Wilson. A review by
KEN DUBOIS, of REEL.com describes how Edward, almost 50, met Charis, who was only 21 at the time and how they formed a union and alliance which helped to shape modern photography as we know it. Edward Weston has been a dramatic inspiration in terms of his story and his relationship with Charis. I simply adore the photographer who is able to photograph his wife like this. Edward was able to travel the country shooting Charis any and everywhere. She loved being in his photos. As I have commented before, this would simply be my dream, only I’d like to travel the world. I have been unable to find a copy of this DVD for sale. I understand that some were available for purchase at the art theaters where it was seen, but Amazon doesn’t have it. At some point, I’ll also get to review “
The Model Wife” by Arthur
Ollman which portrays the lives of 9 photographers who readily photographed their wives, including Weston, Stieglitz, and Callahan. Somebody help me find that DVD…please.
Contact Julie for information on ordering “The Eloquent Nude”
enjoy Peter
Julie Gliniany
NW Documentary
arts & media
115 SW Ash St.
Suite 620
Portland, OR 97204
office 503/227.8688
cell 651/442.2635
“Julie Gliniany” production@nwdocumentary.org