I hope some of my purist friends won’t be mad at me but I went out and got myself a Canon EOS 40D. This brings up the whole film vs. digital argument, I know, but I just think this was right for me, that’s all. I’d rather be doing film in my darkroom, but I don’t have one since moving to Vegas and I am having to get my film developed somewhere else and then scanned anyway. So I broke down and did the digital thing. My initial preference was holding out for a Canon EOS 5D with the full-frame sensor, but when the 40D was introduced, I could see that it fit the bill for my requirements. This thing is built just like the 5D. I researched it well and at half the cost, I think I prefer this fully capable camera which will allow me to spend more on accessories and another camera body. Any good photog needs a backup and right now, I can’t do that with the 5D. Had the 40D not been such a MAJOR upgrade from the 30D, I would not have done it. Major factors for this change of heart was due to an aricle from Luminous Landscape Blog, a chance meeting with a current 40D owner, and then there was my mom’s validation of my artwork that made it seem more worthwhile to make the purchase. That said, everything I feel about the artistic nature of film still holds. I still love film and will continue to use it. I still have plans to get my hands on the Mamiya RZ ProII.

On another note…. I have spent some considerable time talking about the amateur model lately. After joining an Photography Club on Meet Up.com, I came across an opportunity to start an Art Model’s Group as well. Now for the most part, this may consist of mainly figure drawing models moreso than art photo models, however I have opened up the group to establish networking opportunities amonst art models and artists of all genres. So if you are living in the Las Vegas area and take off you clothes for the sake of art, then come on and join The Las Vegas Art Model’s Group. If you think you may be interested in trying to see if you can pose without clothes or have always wanted to but have never had the right forum to do so then this is a good place to start.