Something else I have been working on is posting my work on other public galleries. In August I put together a gallery on which I mentioned in one of my blog entries. I would say that it can definately bring in more exposure to your work as well as feedback from other artist and viewers. I have also set up at where I have been getting several views but not too many ratings. Stop by and rate my site if you’ve got a second.

Next, I opened a gallery on and now you can also visit my work on
Community Zoe. You can rate and comment on my images on both of these sites, but you first need to register on Community Zoe. I have contributed to some of these sites which I believe is also important. I invite you, the reader to do the same if you are not already doing so. I guess it was about 2 years ago that I decided to make more of a monetary contribution to the arts as I began donating to my local art guild. I then tried to patron any of my contemporaries when they had shows, exhibits, or help with pizza on late nights. I have also realized that I listen to NPR an awful lot and have never contributed so when the campaigns started a few weeks ago, I felt compelled to give. Ironically, I had just been discussing with my son how he can benefit from listening to
National Public Radio, so now I had to back up my words with some action.

Give to the arts. Its one of the most neglected areas in our schools as well as our communities. I am just getting to really know Vegas and can’t say I am all that excited where art photography is concerned and even moreso with artistic nudes. Maybe I can do something about it, or maybe I can’t but I think I will at least feel better if I try. I need to begin somewhere, I guess. Right now, I am still job hunting. I have been working as a project manager for the last 6 weeks, but all projects end and this one was no different. If I can still be compelled to contribute, then by golly gee so can the rest of us. Where ever you are, help out…time, money, whatever…start contributing. And for those of you who are, keep up the good work. Support the Arts, people.