Kickoff is getting ready to start for the Super Bowl. My Cowboys didn’t make it and neither did the Packers, so I am not as hyped for this game, but I hope its a good one.
I’ve usually kept my reader comments open, but I have recently started to have to moderate them since I have been getting spammed by some type of online modeling gig. To me, that’s just rude, but what can you expect from people like that. So apologies to
Iris Dassault for not realizing she’d commented on my last post regarding Model Mayhem exposure. She’s right, its a full-time job to get a presence there. In case you didn’t know, MM is an online forum for models, photogs, and Make Up Artists (MUA) to collaborate and work together.

Its one of several online business models that allow to you post information and images about yourself and then communicate with like minded people who might like to do business with you. Its quite popular, but the format to gain more exposure keeps you on it constantly to say hello, comment on someone’s work. The more you say…the more you are seen, so you are constantly being polite and courteous in the belief that its the proper etiquette to respond to someone else’s comment about your images. You get a forum to seek out potential models in your area and they can also find you.

The thing is, this doesn’t always pay off. You can expect to see several profiles where the user has not been active for several months or longer, because they get frustrated at becoming comment whores eagerly awaiting feedback. On the other hand, its great for MM in advertisements. The longer you stay on and the more often you come back, the better potential that you will see an advertisement that catches your eye. You may not be the type to be sensitive to these ad placements, but I can assure you, more money using this type of business model for generating ad revenue than they get from your subscription. Thats why they can afford to let you have the space for free. I’d be willing to be less than 8.2% of all MM users upgrade to the VIP service that allows them to post a hundred pics in stead of the 20 free ones they get. For the moment, even that service is suspended while they do some server renovating. If they are smart, they’ll be virtualizing those servers.

On another note, I think I am getting ready launch my first photo workshop for my Las Vegas Art Model’s Group as soon as we get enough participants to sign up. My drawing workshop is back on hold again, pending studio space. I am still looking forward to shooting Trixie again. She’s got an excellent backside as you can conclude from these abstracts. I’m also anxious to interview with a few others who have contacted me about shooting. Its a process…
Not time for spellcheck… kickoff!