I was just sitting here thinking about how easy it is to become connected with people on the net. Virtual relationships have become sort of common in my life as of late as I communicate with individuals, develop a bond…a connection, yet, never having met together face to face. In some cases I know that’s an okay thing, but I know for kids, the naive, and those less wary this can be a dangerous proposition. Common sense should always be the chief discretionary trait in any relationship you become involved in, whether virtual or in person.

Yeah, I can get sentimental at times. Its part of the way I was raised and my own set of standards in how I value people and appreciate real friendships. It hurt being in the military and connecting with guys that you know at any given time you would lay down your life to save thiers only to have the PCS on you after 3 years. That’s a permanent change of station where you get new orders for a new duty station. Where is all this coming from? Well, I have come to miss like crazy Chris St. James from Univers d’Artistes. We’ve communicated on a constant basis and he’s featured me on his highly popular and acclaimed blog on several occasions. Chris runs his blog from France and I have come to almost depend on his blog posts to stay informed, entertained, and awe-struck, by the photogs he discovers and presents to the world. Now he’s hospitalized, and that connection is lost. I have no way of knowing how he’s doing and the frustration sets in for me because its in my nature to visit my friends in times of need. You want to comfort, console, and help in any way you can.

Lin Bang from Fluffytek has signed off from her blog for a while for the same reasons…medical care. I’ve only even recently began communications with Lin when she contacted me with reference to a blog post I made. Oh my goodness, she’s so exciting to read. I’ve backtracked through all of the posts by her and her husband Richard. She’s funny as hell, but she also has a wonderful perspective on things that really make you think. Her commentary is such that you can easily gleen wisdom from her writings and you are usually left in better standing if you heed her advice and considerations. She can easily bring value to your work whether you are a photog or model. She has the expertise to counsel in both regards. She’s an art lover and she is an advocate for the photographic representation of the nude form.

So I guess its funny how you can come to miss someone you have never met. Well, you can certainly feel that void when you recognize the value they bring to your life in whatever form, is not flowing through the vitural umbilical in which you’ve become accustomed to feed. So this is a well wishing post to Chris and Lin. I wish you both a speedy recovery. Take care of yourselves. My prayers, and I am sure those of many others are with you. You guys hurry back, now …ya hear!