I’m really starting to miss my chemicals and the darkroom. There is really nothing like it. I’ve gone digital, but every once in a while, I get that hankering for the smell of fixer. Can you identify? The silence and serenity of my blacked out darkroom was surreal for me. I am not as excited about working edits on my computer. Its just not the same as watching the image materialize out of seemingly nothing while you time it in a tray of Rodinal or D-76. The tactile sensations of wet double-weight Ilford fiber provided an instant feedback that is remiss in digital format. Most photogs I’ve talked to abhor the wet works and would never go back. I cannot say the same. I lament the absence of a readily available enlarger.
Whats bringing this on, you ask? Well, since going digital, the post processing isn’t as fun for me. Sure, I still look forward to the finished product, and the quick turnaround of capture to edited image. But its not always like that. Sometimes I spend just as much time on the computer as I did in the darkroom. Also I am still learning digital post processing and need more tools and equipment to update what I already have. I was already familiar with handling special problems with film, but I am stumped on some things digital. So I am forced to hit the books. The wedding I recently did in Texas, had several shot underexposed. It was the darkest church I have ever been in and a photogs worst nightmare. Lesson learned, do local weddings.
Well enough of all that. This is Pocatella that I recently promised to post. Talk about a model with a great attitude. I definitely need to get more work with her. She modeled for me briefly one week just to test out the lighting setup that I purchased to do the wedding. I was very impressed with her, and asked that she model for my Las Vegas Art Models Group Artistic Nude Photo Workshop. She did a great job and the attending photogs loved her. She was full of energy! I was afraid that she’d burn out, but with the smaller groups, we get more done. So even though we shot longer than the first workshop, we used our time more efficiently. Can’t wait to get with her again. Lovely girl, isn’t she? Enjoy your Easter Holiday.
Terrell, I would NEVER switch over to the digital “darkroom.” The day I can no longer make fiber prints in a darkroom is the day I go from being a fine art photographer to just being another GWC (Guy With Camera). Sure, I make some inkjet prints on my Epson printer to show people now and then, but I just think of them as bullshit prints.
Nice Pocatella pics, especially #2.