This past Friday was a very eventful figure drawing session that was one of the best yet. Again, held in the World Market Center, we had 6 artists who drew (charcoal and digital) and sculpted a male nude model, afterwhich we broke for food, drinks, and socializing. This event was held in honor of Steve Litvak, the featured Artist of the Month and more than a hundred people turned out for his art exhibit. The figure drawing was an add-on to this occasion for the benefit of the special invited guests who consisted of furniture buyers, designers, suppliers, and hospitality executives. The main goal is to bring in these guests to see the new exhibits of the Beverly Showroom who makes luxurious custom designed furniture for commercial and high-end residential use.

It was my job to facilitate the drawing session which brings in several curious visitors and gives the special invites a chance to see some of the local artists at work. I put out a call to artists from my Las Vegas Art Models Group as well as to the colleges and art community. Its quite an effort to get people to come out and participate, but I’m starting to finally get the word out. I was looking to fill the room with at least 20 artists, but I think I am going to cut back to half that. The smaller groups work better the same way they do for my art nude photo workshops. I’d rather take a invite up to 10 of the best artists to this event and give them a chance to perform in front of influential guests who appreciate and support local art.
Although no work sold on the spot, two of my members on Friday ended up with contacts for future commissioned pieces. We are also making arrangements to have these two artists featured as an Artists of the Month to help showcase local talent. For the next event, I plan to bring in the media to cover this story. Its still a growing concept and pretty soon, I can assure you this will be one of the more sought after events in Las Vegas. This was a lot of fun and its a great opportunity to make the right connections and get some exposure. I’ll make this happen.