
The question is not what you look at but what you see!”
-Henry David Thoureau

Seems like its been a while since I’ve been able to work on one of my own projects. Everything has been concentrated on my art model group, and so I have not had the time to even think about shooting for my independent work. I guess that’s fine since the group work has been steady. The figure drawing part of it has taken a slight nose dive due to venue issues. If I don’t get to do the World Market Center scene again, well…it was fun while it lasted.

But honestly, I have absolutely nothing to write about today. I am sooooo tired right now. I didn’t even realize its been a week since my last posting. Does that happen to any other bloggers out there. WHERE did the time go. Blogging isn’t exactly easy, but it is fun. Sometimes you can hit a dry spell, get writer’s block, or just have a hard time putting words together. My thoughts right now are more sporadic rather than smooth flowing. I wish I could defrag my head!

Here’s what’s on my mind:

I want to know what’s happening with my friend Chris St. James, keeper of the faith over at Univers d’Artistes.

I’m finally offering images for sale on my website, TLNeasley.com. I’ve got a shopping cart set up and offering image sizes from 8x10s to 11x14s. At the very least, I’d like to make this expensive passion of mine pay for itself, so I am going to be testing a few sale concepts, vendors, and general policies. For now, all my prints will come already mounted, with the option of framing or other specialties. So go to my site and click on an image to see the pricing options.

I also want to tell people that Candy Poses isn’t Tuesday anymore (from my April 6th post). I get several hits a day from people searching for her. Well, she’s done posing nude, at least for guys, and she talks about it >HERE<. She has taken down her Candyposes.com website AND her Feminism Without Clothes blog. She can still be seen on Model Mayhem and you might catch her somewhere under the name “Candy Pauses” or “The Good Bush”.

I want to put out the word on a new search engine that searches pics instead of words called TinEye. I think its neat and a good way to keep up with where your pics go, who has them, and what the hell they are doing with them. They can even be tracked if modified. I’m still checking them out, so if anybody knows about them… holla.

I strongly advice you to check out photoattorney.com too. Lots of good stuff there. The latest post is of particular interest. So go there and at least review the last 3 entries.

I’m thinking this new replacement for the 5D better be good. What the hell is Canon waiting on??

I am wondering also what the fidoodles is up with Blurb.com. I’ve ordered 3 books from them (wedding photobooks) and each of them had pages stuck together. One has to be returned. I can’t present a book to newlyweds like that! I use them because their additional pages are much cheaper than My Publisher.com or Lulu.com. I used 120 pages. with anyone else, every page over 40 is about $2.99 a page! The images come out a tab bit darker, but overall they are not bad. But the pages sticking is unacceptable.

Here is an article I’ve been meaning to post. Is a BusinessWeek Online article entitled, “Business Advice for Artists from Artists“, by Stacy Perman on 11 April 2008. I think its a good read. Many great artists out there will never be discovered due to ignorance on the business side of things. Its a short article that should at least get you to thinking and hopefully do more research.

And finally, I wish I could get back to the Kentucky/Tennessee area for a while. Its been a year since I’ve shot Trisha and I could use better shots of her. At the time, we did more than I expected to do. I was also shooting her with film. I was already done with grad school and was days from moving here to Vegas when we hooked up after not having seen each other for a while. She’s an art student herself and we had taken one photo class together, but she didn’t stick with photo like I did. She’s a painter. Well, I had only a few rolls of good slide film, but I had also just gotten my hands on some outdated rolls as well. I figured I’d use them to experiment. As it turns out, Trisha and I really connected. What started as a 2 to 3 hour shoot, turned into a multi-location 2 day shoot. We were simply having too much fun to quite. I ended up using all the film I had left, including the outdated stuff and even some consumer grade. She kept wanting to do more and more and I was happy to oblige. So now, I could use some updated material of her using a better medium. So enjoy this series of images done at Land Between the Lakes in Kentucky as she gets surprised by a cold wave. Check her out on my website and leave some comments. Models love comments.

I guess I had something to write about after all.

Update: July 2010 Images of the model featured have been removed.