“Seated on a Fallen Trunk”
My true program is summed up in one word: life. I expect to photograph anything suggested by that word which appeals to me. – Edward Weston

I know I’ve posted on this before, but virtual relationships with people you’ve never met can be just as real as interpersonal ones. I’m still trying to get word on Chris St. James. We’ve communicated often over the last year and I’ve come to truly respect and admire him, not only for his work and efforts with Univers d’Artistes, but also as a man. I can tell his heart from his writings and he’s a person who genuinely cares about other people. I’ve come to truly miss him at the helm of his blog. Maybe that’s a tad bit selfish on my part, but damn, I miss the man. I am fearful that his illness may be getting the better of him, so I can only keep praying. I’ve tried to contact the editors at Carrie Leigh, but got no response. (He’s the European Blog editor for Carrie Leigh’s Nude Magazine.) It took me a while, but I finally got a contact name and number from the French telephone directory. I might have succeeded in that a month ago, had I been able to read French. I added the international feature to my cell phone plan because it was way cheaper by the minute to call using it than not. Of the two numbers that were associated with his name, both were changed or no longer in use. You can imagine my frustration. Somebody’s got to be close to him over there. I get hits from France and Europe all the time. Li’l help, please.

This past Sunday was another art nude photo workshop. Talk about challenges! For a while, I was speculative on whether or not it would actually happen. I changed the location a week before the event from a spot out by Red Rock to a location at Mt. Charleston. The initial spot I scouted was just way to temperate for anyone to be comfortable. I scrambled to find another spot in a cooler climate at Mt. C. which can be upwards of 20 degrees cooler than the Las Vegas Valley. I located my primary spot just before it got dark. I thought I was set for the next week. Then to my utter amazement, calamity. The day before my event, a single-engine plane crashed near my area of choice and access was reportedly closed off. Of the 4 passengers, every poor soul on the flight was lost, unfortunately. I decided to lead my guys there anyway and found that access was not restricted in my area. However since other major areas were closed off, people flocked into my prime spot. My Plan B locale was in the restricted area which was now blocked off except to emergency vehicles and personnel. Instead of heading home, I scouted my spot anyway and found that I could push back further into the woods. My group members were none to happy to find a 200 meter, 30 degree up-slope between them and the photo area. As it turns out, once we all got up there, rested, and begun shooting, all the groaning turned to glee.

My model, Trixie is a true muse. As an experienced artist’s model, she’s used to holding a pose for a while. All respects to her as I say this, but Trixie has one of the best photographic rear ends period. There’s a lot of strength in her legs and lower body and she has such dynamic and interesting shape from her back to her butt, that I make it a focus point whenever I shoot her. Her husband tagged along and while most photogs might be apprehensive to have an accompanying spouse watch the shoot, this guy was totally cool. He helped out with watching our gear and holding Trixie’s robe and shoes. Everyone was very comfortable around him and I got to enjoy some good conversation with him. He’s an engineer and briany at another level, but by no means nerdy. Normally when I shoot Trixie, he’s off in another room to let us do our thing, so I’ve never really gotten to talk much before that day. I’ve done some great work with Trixie because he’s been so supportive of her and our work. Trix was the real trooper of the day. She came out and did her thing and whatever was asked of her. The water got a bit too chilly later in the evening, but she braved it nonetheless. We all went out to The Hacienda for tacos afterwards over on Lake Mead and Christie. Its real Mexican food. I got up to the counter and jokingly ordered a Chalupa and Encharito. That didn’t go over well.