I think I am getting close to catching things up now. Well, I at least have a plan to do so, which is actually to take one day at a time. When I talked about how crazy things have been in the last post I made, I touched on the two big things: my daughter’s surprise marriage and then becoming ill upon my return home. In fact, I thought I was fairly well when I made that last post but honestly I’ve had been truly drained after that ordeal. I would guess for the next week all I wanted to do was sleep. Its been the only time in several years that I really had no interest in editing or taking photos. So if nothing else, that should give you some indication just how out of it I was. But even through those two events, I’ve only slightly touched on the full extent of all the challenges I’ve contended with so far. That said, I think I’ll just leave it at that. This blog was never intended to be my venting venue.

But one intriguing element I will sort of touch on is the obligation slash guilt I felt while I was not posting. Is that common for any more of you bloggers who post regularly? In the mist of my fevers and coughing fits, I had to force myself to prioritize a little better than what I was doing. I can tell you that I found myself sitting at my computer with a blank stare with the intent of making a posting until I actually sat down in the chair. Then there were moments when I was well, or better at least, when I’d sit down…log in…stare at the screen for a bit, and then retreat to my fortress of blankets and pillows. I know for fact that I am not the only blogger with challenges, so what is it you do when you can’t make a post? Are you overwhelmed with guilt? And even when there are no challenges that hinder your entries, do you still feel a profound need to fulfill and obligation to your faithful readership and subscribers?

Switch gears…how about something a little less melodramatic.

While I was in back home, I stopped by some of my old stomping grounds. I got to work with one of my former models (with a friend). I’ve also been able to conduct a few more shoots with relation to my workshop coming up this coming Sunday. We’ll be shooting the magnificent Brittany Sutton (top photo) in the marvelous studios of Bobby Deal, owner of Vegas Vision Studios. I’ve been contacted recently asking about studios to shoot in. I think I’ve said it before: You will get a great deal and all that you need at Vegas Vision Studios. Bobby will take care of you. Just give the man a call if you are a visiting photog and wish to rent some studio time with a model. I recently shot with Brittani Brooks. Talk about fabulous! I shoot tomorrow with Melissa again. So I will have plenty to work on as I am now in the mood to get back to my edits. So stay tuned. All drama aside, you gotta take the good with the bad. Also, thanks UL for your wonderfulness!

Talk to you soon.