I’ve got some catching up to do. My computer crashed about 2 weeks ago and it was out for the count. The morning after my last figure drawing session, it wen
t belly up…or hard drive up, as it were. I just now got another computer, a desktop…PC; not a mac. (Thanks Win!) I know I said I’d have a mac as my next one, but Apple
has really been pissing me off as of late. So, screw that notion.

One of the things I didn’t get a chance to publicly do was to thank Peter Lime for giving me props on his deviant art site. As it turns out,
deviantart gallery. I don’t have a thousand people watching my gallery, I can assure you. I didn’t even know that was the deal, but I knew something was up because
I kept getting visitors saying congrats or that Peter has suggested they take a look at my work. Thats when you know how huge you are. Peter was like Oprah to me on that day, which was sometime last week. So if you would please help me return the favor by visiting Peter’s sites, I’d appreciate it.
I was very compelled to talk about my recent trip to New Your City. But, I’m going to waive that one til my next post.
I’ll only make a brief inquiry as to why there were several sightings of hairless pointed-nosed cats down in the subways. What’s up with that? Dave Rudin actually did an excellent job of chronicling the story for me so well, that I might not even need to talk about it at all. He calls it, “Big T in the Big Apple.”He really summari
zes the whole thing in a nutshell. It was certainly good to see him on his own turf for a change, as opposed to him coming here to Las Vegas.

I will also add that I didn’t sleep much while I was there, except for the first night and that was only because I stayed up all night the night before. What was I doing you might ask. Well, I was shooting. I’m
only pulling all-nighters for photo related work. In this case, I got to shoot the beautiful Keisha whom you see pictured in the accompanying shots. The girl definitely brings it. It took us less than half an hour to “break the ice”, but after that, this amateur…soon to be pro…was in my head, giving me what I wanted before I needed to even ask. So yeah, she’s got some good intuition. I also got to work with her nearest and dearest friend, whom I’ll get to posting after I talk about the NY trip. So stay tuned in cuz this girl has got a dangerous degree of hotness approaching critical mass. I was so glad to meet these girls and relish the time we spent shooting. More projects are already in the works. Like I said, stay tuned.