“I wish more people felt that photography was an adventure the same as life itself and felt that their individual feelings were worth expressing. To me, that makes photography more exciting.”

– Harry Callahan

“Bamboo”, Terrell Neasley

“Saddle in Panguitch”, Terrell Neasley

I follow several blogs. Some are friends that I keep tabs with and others are professional resources from which I glean information. One in particular has made encouraging impacts with a few blog posts which you can find at Chase Jarvis’s Blog. The first one of note was simply timely, entitled “Everything is Going to Be Alright“. I was really in need of slowing down and de-stressing when I got the email version of his blog in my In Box. I laughed out loud when I saw it. (Saying I LOL just didn’t sound right.) Needless to say, several commentators shared my sentiments as your scrolled down the comment list. His next blog post was also timely, but more of a good truism or principle to live by. “The Only Things That Really Matter Are…” was posted just a few days later and once again, after reading it, I LOL’ed…(or is it L’ed OL?) He recounts the most important things that relate to who you can become and what you can do. Its really an excellent short read.

NHRA ’09 Hotrod, Terrell Neasley

I’m just finishing up on two projects that deal with my health and my profession. Its too complicated to go into details, but suffice to say, it has consumed my attention, efforts, time, money, and energy over the last six months. Paperwork…lots of paperwork, research, editing, etc. Now, I’ve got it pretty much all done and it seems like I’m in a sort of state of mind that begs the question, “Okay, so now what?” Well, in addition to working my profession, I want to start getting back to doing personal projects and making goals again. Specifically, I need to get shooting more nudes, but also I want to start doing alternative and film photography with specialty cameras. I got a Holga Pinhole camera six months ago and I have YET to put this thing through its paces. Part of that is because I want to do some nudes with it, but I have to also find some color medium format film for the thing and probably lots of it. Then its off to experimenting with a patient model. The latest issue of Rangefinder Magazine has some interesting ideas related to Scott Highton’s Virtual Reality photography that I’d like to explore. Just got the mag in yesterday and I’m anxious to finish pouring through it. Lots of good stuff.

“Tower of Power”, by Terrell Neasley, from a recent hike
“End of a Beetle”, by Terrell Neasley
from a recent hike

I’ve also met a few inspirational people along the way here recently. Model, Selena Bree from a recent interview is one. I’ve got personal reasons to travel around over the next 3 to 4 months, but Selena Bree is another model I’ve got to get to Arkansas to work with. She’s full of life with an attitude that makes you want to be around her. Very charming woman. Samantha came by to see me a few weeks ago. I’ve lauded her several times on this blog, as a search for her reveals. And then there’s a conversation with a fellow photographer and friend who got to talking to me about hiking the Appalachian Trail. Her dream is to do the Pacific Crest Trail someday. Me…I want to do the trifecta. The AT is 2200 miles from Georgia to Maine. The PCT is 2600 miles from Mexico to Canada, and then there’s the Continental Divide that runs 3100 miles which starts in Mexico and runs up New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, touches Idaho, then Montana, and on into Canada. Talking to her was inspirational in that it got me to refocusing on being able to make that happen. In the process, I began war-gaming a way to shoot models throughout each of the hike. It’d take some serious coordinations and even more intestinal fortitude, but I’d like to do each of these trail systems over a 3 year period. I’ll probably need some sponsorship or maybe some kind of funding from grants or friends. This talk coincided with a new doctor that I’ve been seeing that suggests he might be able to fix my knee. With a stronger knee, the first thing I thought about was the fact that my dream of doing these trails might not be dead after all.

Enjoy these shots of some of my Fine Art stuff. Some are older images that I’ve revisited. Others are of course, new.