Photographer Extraordinaire, Dave Levingston

Okay. You got me on this one. I promise I won’t go this long without a post. That’s about 3 weeks since my last musings and I don’t really want that. So what I have planned are more model/artist interviews. Upcoming will be Q&A time for Selena Bree, Brooke and Kat, and local artist Joseph Watson. You’re going to really love Joe’s work. In fact, let me just give you a preview of some of it with this link.

BUT, Back to the point of fact:

“The Road Warriors”

Very interesting evening! I say interesting because I got to finally meet some of my favorite people, but nothing quite worked out as planned. When does it ever, though? Dave Levingston, Brooke Lynn, and Kat finally arrived to Vegas after almost 3 weeks on the road!! What didn’t quite work out is some of the events they had planned when they got here. Yeah, Dave hit a dear back in Nebraska. That slowed things up a bit. The muffler ended up coming off. That slowed things up a bit more. Fortunately, he was able to get it fixed because Vegas is not the end destination for these guys. They’ve still got a long way to go and THEN they gotta head back. A mode of transportation in good working order facilitates that objective rather well. So needless to say, we didn’t get to spend much time together, much less shoot! By the time things calmed down for them, my schedule picked up to where the last two days they were here, I was pretty much unavailable.

Until, that is…the Party!

So we finally meet! It was cool to get to see them all and I got introduced to another top notch model whose actually a local model. Any of you ever work with Jolene Hexx? Well, get on that. Jolene was supposed to shoot with DaveL Wednesday morning, but since the new priority became fixing the muffler issue, that got held up. Jolene being the super-duper trooper that she is, was totally understandable and sympathetic to their plight. She stopped by to visit for the party and the girl was the baddest thing walking on two legs in the entire hotel. I loved her dress. I’m saying stunning, as if to not use the word too loosely. You’re literally left stunned at that initial glance. Everybody else was way more casual, but I’m glad Jolene didn’t get the word on that.

Terrell, Brooke Lynne, Jolene Hexx, Kat, Dave Levingston

And getting to meet two other famous art models was quite a grand treat in itself. Kat and Brooke are some of the nicest people you’ll meet. I can tell you from my personal experience, that they don’t let their celebrity status go to their heads. These are really down to earth girls when you meet them and not intimidating in even the slightest sense. Modeling is in their blood though. I didn’t bring my serious gear, but I do have a handy-dandy S-95. So even with this point and shoot, the mere fact that a lens is pointed in her general direction cause Kat to immediately focus in on the barrel of my camera and instinctively morph into, not anything that was overly dramatic, but in fact it was the most subtlest of gestures…an elbow to the table; a hand under the chin.  And a gaze that reminded you of a cold drink with a twist of lemon in it. *SNAP* …and the moment was gone.

DaveL and Art Model, Jolene Hexx

Brooke was no different. Though more known for poses sans any articles of clothing, she sat comfortably, albeit, I dare say swaddled in the sweater she was wearing. This wasn’t like any Wal-Mart sweater. It had no bearings of anything you get for Christmas from your Aunt Thelma who incorrectly flaunts herself as a  fashionista. No this was style. And when I say style…I’m dragging out the “Y” for added effect. The sweater seemed to be tailored for her except for in the sleeves, as was able to easily tuck in her hands. As I said, she was swaddled in this sweater. It was adorable. I should not have passed up the opportunity to tell her so, myself. Every woman appreciates a compliment on her wear. [My mistake.] With Brooke, there was no pose to assume. She was just already there. You can photograph this woman from any angle at any time, with clothes on or off and its like something that was just supposed to happen. All you have to do is just get the shot. Is it in focus? Chances are its a good shot.

Art Model, Kat

And the grandest moment… Dave. Mr. Modest Levingston, himself. The man was the perfect host. He could have easily sent one of the girls down to retrieve me, but he came down himself to get me from the lobby. He served me beer and pizza. Which reminds me, I need to ask him where it came from. It was damn good. We got to swap stories all night and regale the ladies of military adventures, which I am certain they enjoyed! I can see why Dave Rudin appreciates Dave Levingston so much. DaveL is the man. Simple as that. I’ve joked that I want to be like him when I grow up, but even in jest, I am every quite serious. The dude is road-tripping a thousand miles with the company to two of the hottest and most respected mods in the business. So I ask you… Have you done this recently? Would you like to? I rest my case.

Art Model, Brooke Lynne

I know Dave might think I have a propensity to embellish a bit. Okay, maybe. But ask me about any specific element of my tale and inquire as to its validity. I will affirm every word of it. My thing is that I want to make sure I let those whom I appreciate know this very fact. I applaud their life’s work in a field that’s relatively not well-understood and sometimes not well-received. I admire the commitment and dedication to a form of art that has been in existence since charcoal drawings were first done on cave walls. They do it with class and distinction. And you should honor their efforts too. Ovations…