“True friends are hard to come by…I need more money.” – Calvin, The Indispensable Calvin and Hobbes, p86

Having to say it once is really once too many. Good-byes are definitely not pleasant, especially when its with a model you’ve come to appreciate because of her willingness help you be better. This day last week, Trixie moved off the Mainland and over to the Big Island. She corrected me at her Aloha Party last week. This was no a good-bye but rather an “until we meet again”, kind of deal. Then a friend of her’s, Gwen, highlighted the fact that I now have an excuse to travel to Hawaii! Sweet. 
I gotta say Trix is one of the main models who have been in my corner since I arrived in Vegas. She bears some of the weight in forging my development as a photographer and has been my partner in crime in expanding my skill with my nude art. She also helped when I ran my Las Vegas Art Models Group for not only my photography workshops but for my drawing sessions as well. When I needed to experiment for my own personal growth, (which often required someone of patience), I knew who I could call and that was Trixie. The news of her departure was somewhat stunning. I don’t know what its like to have a man-hole cover dropped onto your head, but that’s what I would imagine it was like, except maybe without the searing pain and unconsciousness/death part, that is. But you’re left shocked all the same. 

So I just wanted to do a post to say Thanks Trix for all your help, love, support, promotion, encouragement, (I could go on….) I also extend a thanks out to your family for being so cool and understanding. “I got a pig on me!” will ever be ingrained in my psyche now. 
See you in Hawaii!