Model Extraordinaire, Mercy. © 2011 Terrell Neasley

Mercy. © 2011 Terrell Neasley

This has definitely been an interesting month. Its been a slow month, but I’ve at least been able to work on some of my personal projects and found my final model to cap my 2011 book of nudes due to come out in early January. I hadn’t been doing many books just for me and my own work, but I’ve done several for private use for others. Miss Mercy, from Albuquerque was my feature model and we finally hooked up to do some collaborations. We didn’t get to do everything we had initially planned, but I gotta say I’m happy with the results. We did a bathroom series and then several hotel nudes in a suite I booked for a couple of nights. The girl was fabulous and had the weather cooperated, we’d have also done some more outdoor urban stuff, but how often does rain kill a shoot in Vegas? Well, this was one of those rare days.

Mercy. © 2011 Terrell Neasley
Mercy. © 2011 Terrell Neasley

Mercy was simply way fun to work with. She’s bold as hell and I felt like she was determined to make sure I got the shots I needed. These were public bathrooms and needless to say we were not always alone. We had to do some major adjustments and remain flexible to make it happen, but we had fun. There was also another girl, Panda, who helped make the shoot happen. She’s somebody you’re gonna see a whole lot of coming up, but I’m going to save her for the next post. She’ll be the first one of the new year. Panda was a big help in assisting Mercy and I. It would do you well to check out Mercy on Model Mayhem and Zivity, as well as follow her on Twitter. You can also see her posting regularly on Tumblr, Oh, Have Mercy! Be sure to keep an eye out for the book! She’ll be on the cover.

Mercy. © 2011 Terrell Neasley
Mercy. © 2011 Terrell Neasley