Art Model, OutDrBeauty, © 2010 Terrell Neasley |
I’m getting there!
Everything is still on hold for a little bit longer, but the knee is getting better. I still have to use crutches for a few more weeks, but I’m able to balance and put weight on my left leg more than usual. I’m not having to keep it suspended off the ground as I walk. It still sucks that I haven’t been able to get back to shooting. I think a good nude project is the first thing I want to do when I can hold a camera and move around a subject again. I want to go model hunting right now, but I can’t say as to when I can actually do the shoot. I’ve had to change my Model Mayhem page twice to reflect a longer recovery time than anticipated. But that’s okay, I’ll manage.
Art Model, OutDrBeauty, © 2010 Terrell Neasley |
Its been the microfracture procedure that has taken so long with the recovery. Microfracture alone takes a while, but instead of the 3 to 5 holes the surgeon had planned on, it ended up being TWENTY! (Yeah, that’s what I said too.) I didn’t know he had done that much off-shore style drilling in my knee until a few weeks afterwards during my post-op appointment. He told me there was more damage than what had showed up in the MRI and X-rays. So that led to more clean-up, more holes, and more recovery time. To give you an idea, this is the same surgery Greg Odom, once number 1 overall draft pick of the Portland Trailblazers had multiple times on both knees. Granted it hadn’t been so successful on him. However Jason Kidd and John Stockton have also had this surgery done and you see the longevity they’ve enjoyed in basketball. Overall, I’m looking at about 4 to 6 months for recovery. I’ve yet to begin my 6-8 week rehab time.
On Microfracture surgery recovery:
The harder part is the restrictions that are placed on the patient during the post-operative recovery period. This can be a major challenge for many patients. For optimal re-growth of joint surface, the patients need to be very patient and also extremely cooperative. They usually need to be on crutches for four to six weeks (sometimes longer). – Wikipedia
I’ll just be glad to get back out on the trails again and I need to get back to shooting. I’m not making any money hanging around my house all day everyday. I thought I’d be spending all this time reading and doing tutorials, but that hasn’t been so easy. Its tougher to read in my house, I think. And even moreso when all you think about is getting outside. I miss hiking. The days have been beautiful. I can see the mountains from my back patio. Yet, I am stuck inside my apartment. Oh, don’t get me wrong, I’m not totally fixed in here, but I only go someplace when I absolutely have to. If there isn’t any place I NEED to be, then I pretty much stay home. Its been exasperating. Patience has never been in my quiver of virtues. I’ve at least been Tweeting more than I usually do. Mostly about travel and entrepreneurship.
Art Model, OutDrBeauty, © 2010 Terrell Neasley |
Wednesday was my first time trying to leave the house without my crutches. Overall, I did fairly well, but its different from just walking around the house like that. I got to meet up with good friend Karl Sutphin (his new website!), who was in for the week from San Fran. We hung out at my place and then got some dinner at Famous Dave’s. We had just stepped into the place when I stumbled and let slip and expletive, because of the pain. It was fairly embarrassing in that it occurred right next to a couple who were enjoying their dinner. I had to grab onto the back of their booth to regain my balance. I think my face was even more contorted trying NOT to wince from the pain, than had I not been trying to control it. I took a second (or maybe a minute) to regain my composure and was led to the booth where our hostess seated us. After that, it was a good evening. I had been to Famous Dave’s often but had never had their burgers. It was pretty darn good.
Art Model, OutDrBeauty, © 2010 Terrell Neasley |
I’m due to start rehab sometime at the end of the month or first week in April. I think I’ll stick to that schedule instead of trying to be too quick as I had recently planned. I’ll heed the doctor’s advice and wait. I guess it will make it all the more sweeter if I wait. I think my ex-wife said the same thing before we were married. Not so sure how sweet it was. I think that’s when I’m most prone to re-injure after having waited so friggin’ long!
How nice you and Karl met each other!! Sorry you were in pain though.
Bone takes a long time to heal. I found that out when I had the jaw implant. It also swelled a lot more than I expected. But now it's an amazing improvement, and you forget all the suffering when you're back to normal – or better than normal! Hang in there!
Yes, indeed that is what I look forward to. Patience is a tough one to master. It was definitely cool having Karl in town to come over for a visit, especially since I'm on the outskirts of town. It broke up the monotony of what would have been a boring day.
Holy cow. I am sorry for missing this great post. Thanks for the mention. I am glad to see your healing is moving along. Remember the great advice your neighbor gave you about rehab.
Indeed, I've been keeping her advice to heart ever since.