Art Model Extraordinaire, Panda. ©2013 Terrell Neasley
“It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end.” 
― Ernest Hemingway

Seems like every now and again, I get tied up in a bunch of things and miss my regular blog posts. I’m playing catch-up with a bunch of things right now, including edits from previous shoots/projects and some online classes I’m doing. My nude work is back up, at least. I’ve had some setbacks with some of the use of my work, but I’ve had some very satisfying gigs that have resulted in outstanding work. One of those projects is getting back to work with your fave model, Panda!

Art Model Extraordinaire, Panda.
©2013 Terrell Neasley

Where’s she been? Having kids! Well, one anyway. The girl’s been busy so I hadn’t gotten to shoot with her in a year or so. I’ve missed her, but she’s the same girl with a few different priorities and I’m glad to have her. We got to shoot a few weeks ago and I got my first chance to meet Baby Panda, who’s a cutie in her own right. But its still kinda funny. Panda and I used to shoot late into the night before I would bring her back home. Now she’s in bed before it’s really that dark! So yeah, I gladly work with her new schedule.

I guess the biggest thing going on with me right now is prepping for my trip back to Central America. I’m planning on hitting that in July again, same as last year. It seems like only a few months ago since I was there last. Eleven months simply does not seem real. The goal this time is to spend a month with a Guatemalan family where I will learn Espanol. THEN, I’ll begin my travels and hit more countries that I didn’t get to make on the last visit. If you might recall, on my last trip, I spent a month in Guatemala and Belize with Heather Rae from In Search Of Squid. Ambergris Caye off the coast of Belize was the last visit before Heather Rae was to return home. My intentions were to stay and travel back to Guatemala and around Central America some more. How much longer…I had no idea.

“To travel is to live.” 
― Hans Christian Andersen, The Fairy Tale of My Life: An Autobiography
Art Model Extraordinaire, Panda. ©2013 Terrell Neasley

However Hurricane Ernesto, (quarter million dollars in damage) had other ideas for us and forced us to evacuate the island. That’s how I spent my birthday. With so few options, we basically had no choice but to run back to the States, buying return tickets only the night before. So I left Central America feeling incomplete and unfinished. I still need to figure out how to take a nude model along with me. If I get my desire, I’ll be gone at least 4 months, but I really only need an accompanying model for maybe 2 or 3 weeks to hit about 6 return locations. These are spots that I promised myself I would return to with a model. So after those locations, I don’t mind finding local talent or other willing travelers who wouldn’t mind posing nude as I meander further South.

Art Model Extraordinaire, Panda.
©2013 Terrell Neasley

The plan now is to hit the remaining 5 countries and finish up in Panama. So that would include Honduras, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and then Panama. Just depending on how things go, if it works, I’ll even consider heading into South America. I would love visiting Columbia, Brazil, Peru, and Ecuador in particular. This will be on my own dime. Ideally, I’ll find a gig that takes me down there. Or better yet!! I’ll offer my services to another female client who needs a travel companion, does nudes, and is affluent enough to sustain a continuous travel status. I’d follow her all over the world taking her pictures any and everywhere. Now THAT would be ideal. I can only hope and pray!