“Travel makes one modest, you see what a tiny place you occupy in the world.”
~ Gustave Flaubert
I’m grateful that I’m finally able to edit photos and work on a decent laptop. As I mentioned in the last blog post, I ordered the Gigabyte Aero 15X. Its beautiful, lightweight, fast, and I’m very happy with it. I’ve almost finished with customizing it to the way I like a laptop to work. I’ve got Adobe loaded on it, but I’ve only installed a single Plugin of the usual ones I normally work with. If I’m going to have anything, it’s gotta be the Nik Collection that is now being distributed under DxO Labs, who took it over from Google. I still wonder if DxO Labs will really continue to develop this plugin or just roll it into their own PhotoLab editing software. They have already incorporated the Nik U-Point technology into PhotoLab. Nik is now available for $70.
Of course, that also means I have a lot of edits to catch up on. I can tell you the feeling of 8 months worth of shots to even look through feels daunting and slightly overwhelming. At the same time though, there are some that I’ve eagerly been awaiting to get to work on. Namely, these shots you see here of @kayci.lee from January as she traveled with me from Nicaragua up to Guatemala. The horse ranch shoot was definitely my favorite time of her entire visit. It was quite remarkable to get her up on those Andalusian horses and get some shots. @kayci.lee ‘s efforts paid off handsomely to make that contact to get us access to that ranch.
“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.”
~ Mark Twain
Shooting on Nicaragua’s Little Corn Island didn’t work out as well as we had hoped. Despite being there during the peak of the dry season, somehow a weather phenomenon caused a deluge to drench us during our entire 5-day stay. Our clothes never dried out even a bit and actually began to mildew by the time we left. A few days in the hot El Salvadorean sun fixed that problem. These things happen and sometimes seemingly often. We stayed in 10 different hotels/hostels over almost 5 weeks. Something is bound to go wrong at some point. We ran into a 5 day storm during dry season. This is where they say you have to take the good with the bad. You can plan all you want but sometimes things are out of your control and you either roll with the punches or you’ll spend your days frustrated and a great trip can end up fraught with mishaps because you’re not flexible enough to maintain a good attitude. Plan as best you can and then just do your best. After that, deal with what’s before you and make the best of things. The world is not obligated to be considerate of your itinerary.
Yes, we are watching Ice Age 3 in the last photo. You can’t tell me you wouldn’t have also taken that shot.